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A new waste management priority: keeping baboons out of your organic waste

While our focus for the waste management sector has largely been placed on diverting waste streams from landfill to create a circular economy, a priority of equal importance is keeping waste contained so that it does not pollute the surrounding areas. The new challenge of baboons in many parts of the Western Cape is forcing many companies that produce high volumes of food and organic waste, to implement new ways to prevent their bins being raided and emptied to pollute the environment.

Offering a completely contained food and organic waste management solution, BiobiN is in discussions with the food, retail and hospitality sectors to use their on-site composting units as a baboon-proof waste management option.

“In Durban this has been a consideration for years with the Vervet monkey population frequently found in Urban areas of high commercial activity. You will notice that public bins have a design that prevents monkeys from accessing the bin contents,” says Brian Küsel, director of BiobiN South Africa. “In areas like Tokia, Constantia and Hout Bay we are seeing baboons moving closer to restaurants, shops and households. In many of these areas, baboons are likely to target restaurants in the attempt to access food scraps and waste. A facility should no longer place food and organic waste in a standard bin or bag as this is likely to get raided by baboons.”

We have seen instances where local wine farms frequently get raided by baboons as the troop has come to realise that food is easily accessible via the bins. Baboons have a diverse diet and can consume a wide range of food items, including fruits, vegetables, and even meat. When they come across a bin filled with food waste, they will not hesitate to rummage through it and consume whatever they find. This behaviour not only leads to on-site pollution, but it also disrupts the natural feeding patterns of baboons, potentially affecting their health.

“BiobiN offers an on-site composting unit that is completely enclosed and releases no odours that would attract baboons to the area in the first place. When enclosed bins are used, this will eventually deter baboons from the facility,” adds Küsel.

Baboons are highly adaptable creatures that quickly learn and remember patterns of behaviour. If they discover that a particular bin consistently provides them with a source of food, they will return to it repeatedly, causing ongoing problems and potentially attracting more baboons to the area. This can lead to increased conflicts between humans and baboons, as they may become more aggressive and assertive in their search for food. By using a bin that baboons cannot access, a commercial facility, like a restaurant, can effectively mitigate these issues. Using a contained waste management solution, like a BiobiN composting unit, will help to prevent unwanted raids and even the presence of baboons. This will also help to maintain their natural feeding patterns.

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