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BiobiN launches 1 cubic metre mobile composting bin

In response to the growing industry need to divert food and organic waste from landfill, BiobiN South Africa has just launched its new mini BiobiN – a 1m3 mobile unit that can process up to 800 kilograms of organic waste. With up to 12.6 million tonnes of food waste generated every year and with 40% of waste that is landfilled being organic, many sectors are looking at adopting composting technology for a more sustainable way to manage their organic waste.

“The new 1m3 mini mobile BiobiN has been designed to cater for the smaller commercial organic waste generators, and for businesses that are limited with space. The unit can be wheeled around making it an extremely versatile option. So all the client needs to do , is wheel it into place and plug it in,” says Brian Küsel, from BiobiN South Africa. “It includes all the features that our standard in-vessel composting units have, including a built in condenser to control moisture content and a built in biofilter to circulate air and speed up the composting process.  There are no odours that are generated from the unit, which is often a concern for many clients looking to implement a composting solution on-site.” 

The unit has been designed with on-site waste management in mind and seeks to provide and easy and innovative solution for businesses such as food outlets, supermarkets, deli’s, hotels, animal and wildlife facilities, schools, hospitals and any office that is looking to reduce their waste footprint.

Composting your organic waste on-site comes with many key benefits, with the main one of circulating food and organic waste into high-grade compost that can be used on the same premises or at the nearest garden. With the rising cost of landfill gate fees and waste levies, taking a proactive approach to diverting as much waste of possible can save businesses money. “If the compost from our unit is not used on-site, we often encourage our clients to donate their generated compost to local community food gardens or school planting initiatives,” adds Küsel.

“Even businesses that generate very small amounts of food and organic waste should consider this option. The unit can be placed as a centralised organic waste drop off point where multiple businesses can use the unit. Our larger BiobiN’s have been utilised in this way in office parks and the new mini mobile unit has even a greater potential as it can be wheeled around making it easier to access.”

The new mini mobile BiobiN will operate according to a rental term, which includes trained operating agents conducting regular site visits, management of the unit, waste reporting and maintenance.

To find out more about this BiobiN South Africa, visit


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