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Countdown to the summit: Is reality matching ambition in shipping’s energy transition?

This year’s summit is returning to Spain on 25 April to deliver high level debate on progress in the decarbonisation of shipping and ports.

More than 25 industry, financial and regulatory experts will come together at the Higher Technical School of Naval Engineers, part of the prestigious Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), to explain the latest developments in global and national regulation, new marine fuels production, availability and scalability, and the commercialisation of technological innovations in vessel design, propulsion and ship efficiency.

The main focus of this year’s summit is on the resilience of the new fuel and technology supply chains. As well as looking at the global narrative of shipping’s energy transition, the summit will also have a particular focus on developments and initiatives in Iberia and the wider Mediterranean region.

The conference sessions at the summit will be informed by a number of case studies – ranging from start-up initiatives to projects that are well on the way to commercialisation and scalability.

The summit 2023 offers delegates the opportunity to hear insights from the following companies and organisations: Peninsula, BRS, Bureau Veritas, CEPSA, Ammonia Association, MAN Energy Solutions, Naturgy, GTT, International Chamber of Shipping, Port of Barcelona, Port of Valencia, Ricardo, Houlder, RINA,, GT Green Technologies, Prosmar Bunkering, Balearia, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Infospectrum, Smart Green Shipping, Transport & Environment, CaixaBank, Vertis Enironmental Finance, SEA-LNG. is a free-to-view information hub for news, longer reads, interviews, and expert comment on new fuels, technologies and vessel efficiency. It also encourages and facilitates information exchange, allowing shipping and bunkering stakeholders to engage with energy and technology providers through events (including the summit and the Marine Energy Transition Forum), training courses, roundtable discussions, polls, surveys, blogs, and podcasts. Find out more at

For more information on the summit 2023, please contact: Lesley Bankes-Hughes – Email: Tel: +44 1295 814455 ext 211.

#shipenergysummit23   #SES23


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