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Gulfstream Energy recently launched its 24×7 digital operations centre in support of its PowerOn offer which focuses on diesel generator refuelling for commercial businesses. Underpinned by technology, through its custom-built and state-of-the-art app, PowerOn offers customers a centralised account (if required) together with the ability to receive deliveries across multiple outlets nationwide through a network of approved delivery partners.

“Our commitment is to deliver quality guaranteed diesel as efficiently as possible. As critical – dynamic and responsive customer service, together with complete adherence to the necessary safety protocols and regulations required to ensure the safe delivery of smaller quantities of fuel,” says Shane Jegels, Executive Chairman, Gulfstream Energy – the company behind the PowerOn offer.

“We are confident that our 24×7 digital operations centre will do exactly that. It allows for an easy-to-use and smooth experience across the entire procurement and delivery process – literally from device of choice, including mobile phones, regardless of day or time.”

Gulfstream Energy is one of South Africa’s leading independent fuel wholesalers with a proven track record of supplying quality and innovative petroleum solutions to a wide range of customers within all market sectors of the South African economy – on time, in full and at the best price possible. PowerOn takes this mandate one step further with the supply of quality diesel – fast, direct and competitively priced for generators, bowsers or small tanks.

“Market demand for quality diesel solutions has grown exponentially in the last few years across all industries and organisation types, exacerbated by the ongoing loadshedding crisis,” continues Jegels. “Organisations across the board have had to reconsider diesel requirements, with the need for quality and reliable solutions now business critical.”

As part of Gulfstream Energy’s aim to keep business going, despite South Africa’s challenges, PowerOn was founded in 2020. The last few years has seen it enjoy considerable year on year growth, now delivering close on two million litres of diesel per month. It has also significantly extended its reach to include some of South Africa’s leading retailers, telecommunication companies as well as other public and private entities.

“Originally, diesel purchases were typically a sundry purchase. However, with both need and quantity significantly increasing, diesel procurement costs have soared – transitioning it from a sundry purchase to a corporate budget line item,” continues Jegels. Consequently, organisations have needed to formalise procurement processes and supplier relationships.

Years of experience in the supply of fuel solutions, strong and established supplier relationships coupled with existing seamless and technically proficient supplier and customer processes, has made the evolution of the traditional Gulfstream Energy fuel supply business an easy and obvious one.

“PowerOn is backed by the bulk Gulfstream Energy business. What started as a seemingly ‘good idea’ has quickly evolved – made possible because of a strong existing infrastructure,” says Earl Sampson, CEO, Gulfstream Energy. As a result, benefits to customers also include greater cost efficiencies and a one-point contact and process for multiple transactions across both the bulk (Gulfstream Energy) and PowerOn business.

“We started Gulfstream Energy to play a role in transforming the South African fuel industry and to make a difference to our customers. Businesses must be dynamic and able to move with changing market and customer demands and requirements. We see PowerOn as a natural step in this process and one which we are confident will continue to make business easy for both new and existing customers,” concludes Jegels.


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